How can I learn more about Joomla!

Visit the Joomla! project web site at There you will find current news items, a very active forum, a comprehensive documentation wiki, an extensive library of extensions and more.

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Verwandte Artikel

What is Joomla?

Joomla! is a free and open source Content Management System (CMS) for publishing content on the...

Why choose Joomla! over some other content management system?

We have researched a number of competing content management systems. Many are well suited to...

Can you help me decide if Joomla! is right for my project?

Yes, submit a support ticket with a detailed description of your project. We will respond with...

How can I assign different templates to specific pages?

In Joomla! there is a default template, but you can assign other templates to specific "pages"...

How can I change the favicon?

Favicon is the favorites icon that is associated with your site and appears in the browser...

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