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Cloudflare CDN

Are you concerned about hackers attacking your website?


Are you being bombarded with spam form submissions?


Are you looking for a good solution?


We have the answer — 

Cloudflare Content Delivery Network (CDN)


Cloudflare Security Services protect and secure websites, applications and APIs against Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attacks, customer data compromise, and abusive bots.


Websites and applications require the resilience and intelligence of a scalable network to combat the biggest and newest attacks. It’s important to ensure that performance is never sacrificed for security and that systems have easy setup and configuration thus avoiding configuration errors which can introduce security vulnerabilities.


Major Features Include:


Mitigate DDoS Attacks

Protect applications, websites, and APIs from malicious traffic targeting network and application layers to maintain availability and performance while containing operating costs.


Prevent Customer Data Breach

Prevent attackers from compromising sensitive customer data such as:

  • user credentials
  • credit card information
  • other personally identifiable information

Block Malicious Bot Abuse

Block abusive bots from damaging Internet properties through content scraping, fraudulent checkout, and account takeover.



Cloudflare’s 151 data center Anycast network with 15 Tbps capacity can defend against volumetric attacks 15x bigger than the largest DDoS attack ever recorded. By observing over 300B request per day — 10% of the world’s HTTP Internet traffic — Cloudflare proactively defends against threats by learning from attacks targeting 7,000,000 customers on its network.


Ease of Use 

Cloudflare’s ease of use enables companies to expand Internet security policy responsibilities across more employees, reduce time to deploy new policies, and improve timely adjustments to the security posture of complex applications.


Integrated Security & Performance

Cloudflare removes the need to sacrifice performance for security. Instead of decreasing performance, Cloudflare’s security features can increase application performance because of low-latency security services integrated with traffic acceleration.


Low Cost

We've tested the Cloudflare CDN on our websites with outstanding results.

  • Malicious attacks have been stopped in their tracks
  • Form spam has all but disappeared
  • Web pages load faster than ever

We can set up a basic Cloudflare account for you for just $19.95 — best of all, there is no ongoing monthly fee.


What are you waiting for? Contact us today to get Cloudflare CDN installed on your web site.